I had allot of thoughts running through my mind as child, as a teen as of now. People say actions say more about you as a person, as what you really say or think about them. I don’t believe this. I believe, actions tell you more about ones struggles and raw nature then of one’s true nature. Its easier to believe that one did a mistake for pure egoistic reasons. But what really makes the vault, is when you look around the corner… realize, one’s actions are more than just what you believe they are, but rather notice the real reason behind it. Action shows the raw nature… but the thoughts, circumstances and believes of the person behind the action… show their true nature. Both aspects are important! Never forget that! I am not saying forget their actions… but rather keep in mind that there is more than one simple answer. You are worth more than they tell you… you may make mistakes, may disappoint someone… but sometimes… that’s all you could have done in the situation. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of courage to realize there is more about a person than what they have done. There is a mind behind its taker, and a soul behind its walls. And that’s… okay!